Honorable Mention: Urban Data Response

Honorable Mention: Urban Data Response

Honorable Mention + Data CanvasĀ Challenge 2013 International Exhibit Recommendation

I wanted to build a tool that analyzes public transit information and visualizes realtime arrival data for every minute of the day — showing the current load on the transit system, the current delays, where passengers are boarding, and more. My goal is to help understand when and where problems (i.e. delays) occur in public transit systems.

I also wanted to provide comparisons between the three cities, Geneva, San Francisco, and Zurich, so we can all see which city has the best public transit system., and it looks like Zurich is the clear winner with both the least delays per trip and the most passengers handled per day.

Project Link

Urban Data Response

Project Team

Matt Hill


Posted on

April 9, 2013